Monday, 23 July 2012

What goes around comes around

I went to see the Olympic torch go through Walthamstow on Saturday. Despite my New Year’s resolution to not be negative about the Olympics, I was feeling a little bit can’t-really-be-bothered. But it was strangely moving. My friends and I all felt like we’d shared something a little bit special. And it felt nice to be with my fellow Stow-vians, having a lovely community moment (yes, I realise the torch isn’t actually in this picture, but I have a video of it which my blog didn’t like. So here’s some people waiting for the torch instead):

Then this morning, I was on the bus to the station, still full of love for the Stow, just up the road from where this picture was taken. And there I saw a man sitting on a small wall, trousers round his ankles, winky on full display, the sun glinting off his piss as it arced through the summer air onto the tarmac. Here’s hoping he puts it away (or someone puts him away) for the Olympics.

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