Thursday, 2 April 2009

Lost Boys II: The Tribe

As a huge fan of the original (I was 13 when I watched it and it kicked off a life-long love for vampire films and literature), I was almost pant-wettingly excited about this. It was never going to fulfil the hype and is a very lacklustre affair. Nothing really happens (except for a lot of blood and boobies - sometimes at the same time). Corey Feldman reprises his role from the original and, bizarrely after years of abuse, looks and sounds almost exactly the same (even delivering the same lines at one point: "I think I should warn you all, when a vampire bites it, it's never a pretty sight. No two blood suckers go out the same way. Some yell and scream, some go quietly, some explode, some implode. But, all will try and take you with them.") So, it finished, the good guys killed the vampires surprisingly easily and I was quite disappointed. Then I watched the alternative endings. Haim and Feldman reunited! It was worth the rental just for that (there's also a mid-credits scene with them both, but I only realised this after I'd sent the DVD back - obviously). Apparently there may be another film in the offing... Lost Boys III: Return of the Coreys? Please let it be true!


  1. Which Corey did you fancy then? It had to be one of them.

  2. Haim, obviously. I had a full size poster of him in my bedroom...
